Coronavirus baby boom or bust? Financial fears could lead to surge in divorces

woman and toddler

It’s lockdown day 245 and there appears to be no end in sight when it comes to the easing of restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

A large majority of couples appear to be in a perpetual state of working from home, spending more time together than ever before.

It had previously been suggested that Covid-19 could spark a baby boom across the country.

However, solicitors at Watermans have noted a surge in separation and divorce enquiries in recent months, at a time when families are facing hardship and financial pressure.


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The reality is, Covid-19 will have either brought couples closer together or driven them further apart.

Sarah Bird, a Senior Solicitor in Family Law team at Watermans, said: “Many married couples may decide to separate after spending long periods of time together.

“People will have had more time to reflect on their relationships.

“Then there is the added pressure of financial strain, with widespread redundancies causing concerns for couples.

“It could be a time when couples decide against having a child, as there is definitely a high level of uncertainty about the future right now.”

For many, the coronavirus crisis has re-affirmed what is important in life and divorce could become an option.

Divorce is never easy but if you have already decided that your marriage is over, it’s important to speak to a trained solicitor who can help it go as smoothly as possible.

Contact us to discuss matters further.